hello !
today is 26 October 2011 !
its a celebration for Hindu.
Happy Deepavali to all my hindu friends and to all malaysia !
may you have a precious time during this light festival ..
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xtaw la knp muka jd cmtu..last day exam nih! |
this week supposedly a week that i really waiting for .
by this week, AirAsia gonna call me for a confirmation for internship programme with them . They just told me last week that, the confirmation call within this week, but till tuesday Oct 25th i dont receive any call from them . uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :(
do pray for me ya !
hhmm...sekarang busy tengah keje partime jeerk ;)
huhu..exam semua dah abes...alhamdulillah, semua goes well .
final project pasal video tu pon, just fine . smua berjalan lancar.
exam pon saya rasa puas hati menjawab nye. hehe.
harapan saya, dapat result power lah nanti ....hehe..kalau boleh nk DEAN LIST lagi kan :D
saya keje partime ni until end of November jerk.
kat tempat keje sekrang, dah mesra dah dengak kakak2 promoter kat sana.
they such a very talkative, friendly,n kind person la..senang nak "in" dengan mereka nih.
so keje pon rasa enjoy jerk..takde stress .
hehehe..lagipon saya jual handbag..mahal jugak la..so orang nak beli pon jarang2 . haha.
so dtg keje, pose je kat kaunter bag yg saya jaga tuh..
hehehehe..so dekat2 dah nak berhenti nih, rasa sedih n sebak pon ada.
huhu..tinggal lagi sebulan je kat sana..then kene berhenti...pastu nak pindah lagi .
harapan saya semua plan saya dengan bestfriend saya berjalan dengan lancar dan ikut perancangan.
insyaAllah..lastly, sorry dah lama tak update jomflying nih. hehe.
busy busy busy !
nanti saya update lagi ea...keep reading my blog...
good nite peeps !! ;)
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