
Finally Dapat Keje !!

" Dear Candidates,
We are pleased to inform that you are successful in your recent interview for the post of XXX that we held on 14thMay 2012.
We are looking forward for all of you to report duty on Monday, 2nd July 2012. Please confirm by replying to this email by 19/6/12 if you could report duty on the said DATE  Our congratulations to all of you once again."
 yeaahhh! i received an email with tittle XXX from AIRASIA ! waaahhh, sangat happy lah ye 
as i told u in my previous post, AIRASIA airlines yang paling saya adore. kenapa? sebab they grow very fast, the expand daily, they serve all over ASEAN and most important thing is they origin from MALAYSIA satu benda yg kita kene proud of . am i aite? masa practical selalu naik airasia x now dapat keje with airasia berhad (AK) and using airbus a320..hehe..suka suka !!

even banyak sangat kontroversi berkaitan dgn MAS & AirAsia...tapi in my prospective, I am in AIRASIA side. no matter what happen. hahaha...wahh gitu kann..
i wish airasia can go further and expanded sampai satu dunia...wah...tak pon paling2 tidak kat all over ASIA. mungkin Tan Sri Tony letak "AIRASIA" tu sbb mahu cover all over asia la kot kan...? goodluck my boss...gituuuhh !

i'm going to start with airasia by July 2nd...saya sangat happy ! my 002 number masa interview tu sangat2 lucky for me. huhhh! semoga Allah memberkati saya nanti .

tapiiiii.....the sad thing jugak ada sebab RAYA TAK BOLEH BALIK ! 
kene berkhidmat utk bagi kat penumpang dan pengguna airasia the service kan...wakaka..motiff sgt kan..

whatever it is, saya bersyukur pada Allah dgn kurniaan rezeki nya dan semoga keje saya berjalan dgn baik...kawan2 doakan saya k? 

take care...~
#last update after long time no update#

MY TWITTER : @NabielHaniff
MY FB : Nabeyll Marvel & Nabiel Haniff 


yueyn said...

Hye! Im ur new follower! Wow!!! U r my senior then... :)) Allstar!!