Hi guys!
Ape Khabar Jomflying......?
Wanna shared some product for those who suffered with acne aka pimples or blemishes.
Currently,aku guna product dai Eucerin.Its dematological test.
Most ppl said,bagus..
So aku try cuba..
Seterusnya,wangian utk lelaki...
After kehabisan perfume dari Boss yang dibeli di Labuan haritu,aku pi la parkson kat pavillion and tgk perfume dari DKNY yang baru.
Quite wangi la..Botol cm apple tapi bukan bau apple yang lama tu..tapi new fragance.
and sekarang iols guna hairspray utk tampil segak..hahahahha
Thats all..
Next is about my new laptop.
My adik nye PC rosak.Dah byk kali repair tapi still the same.
So,he request for the laptop sebab nak wat homework la..nk taip tu nak taip nih xleh.
So i gave him my old asus.So i bought a new one.
COMPAQ PRESARIO CQ40.I love die nye design n this brand.
Lastly,NEW drink from marigold peelfresh.
Best! Totally best...Guys,pegi la try...
p/s : nak gi tengok cite TALENTIME!..
Sape nk ikot?? Ramai org kate best..

ada org bayar u ke jd promoter?
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