heyyy all ;)
last update hari ni before i go sleep ..
mahu cita pasal my practical training .
lecturer dah bagitaw, my industrial training started on 19th Dec - 19th March 2012.
hehe...sumpaa tak sabar nak pegi practical nanti .
antaranya ialah :
- KL Airport Services Sdn Bhd
- AirAsia.
- Malaysia Airport Berhad
- Malaysia Airlines
hehehe...as a lecturer cakap, utk ke MAS, student perlu dapat 3.3 CGPA at least.
huhu.. and dakat MAS n KLAS dapat allowance RM300/montly.
Kawan saya Azlan pon ada praktikal di KLAS . Beliau suruh saya apply flight operation lagi best sebab dapat masuk aircraft..haha..seronokk woo.

ehhehe..apa2 pon, doakan saya yerk ..doakan yang terbaik utk saya !
doakan saya dapat practical tempat2 yang best eah...tapi saya wish nak pegi AirAsia, sebab cam satu nama yang grand..haha ;)
Itu je la kot mahu update..nanti saya update lagi yeee...
jumpaa lagi . byeee2!
chooowww tipah ~
banyak update...ngeeeee
p/s if you're going to practical at the designated place of your choice, maybe when I go back home I might see you on board??? LoL
ntah la..boring2 lah.
you come home n might see me onboard ?
im not onboard lah..kat airport sje
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